

Sound is all around you and is a by-product of a life in motion. It radiates from every action and interaction, and as such, it permeates your every moment, body, mind and being

Even as you read this, are you aware of the difference between where you are and where you would like to be? Let healthy sounds melt you and support you.

Sound applied consciously provides a healthy envelope of space that frees one of stressors. As the body relaxes, the mind will ease into a light, dreamy place. You become free of the confusion that existed before, and you find clarity.


Two Sound


Quite simply, Personal Sound Ceremony is a vessel of peace. I offer two similar styles that encourage a frenetic, untamed world to release its hold on you. Sound is an energetic day a the spa, pampering and supportive. Sound and Sight blends sound with a pre and post-conversation, offering insight into the experience. Both provide your mind with the opportunity to free itself and acquiesces into a subtle stream of free-flow thought.



As you unwind, you enter a relaxed state whereby your body is now free to restore itself. Sound diffuses any chaotic thought, and it improves an overall awareness that peace is possible. As you emanate this truth, your calm body takes you deeper into that truth. This Ceremony is a salve for a wounded body seeking repair and supports your current health regime.

1Hr, Ceremony
Heart Offering $120 Cdn
(travel and set up set up time
may require an additional amount)

Sound and Sight.

This Ceremony is only possible with your expressed permission. We begin with a discussion about what you would like to see differently in your life. As your body and Spirit return to their natural state of expression, insights are shared ethereally. We receive them on many levels, such as empathically, body languaging, observing dreams states, peripheral events. Then as the Sound settles back into silence, I share with you the experience. I encourage you to consider this Ceremony if you would like to anchor new traits or consideration, for it is one of the many gifts received in a state of pure relaxation.

90 Minutes, Ceremony
Heart Offering $180 Cdn
(travel and set up set up time
may require an additional amount)