How does a Guide help?
A Guide walks with you, especially if you are unsure of how to get there yourself.
What is a modern day monk?
(recorded in 2018)
It’s a fair question.
Many in the New Age movement feel magic and manifesting is the way to get things, and I see something different. I believe that if one exists in the realm of miracles, miracles happen. The difference is that magic is about trying to manipulate the physical realm to meet our desires. Miracles show us what will be occurring and how they come about, and they always include love.
As your Guide, I see my role as a supportive presence for you. I believe that you already know where you are going, yet you may have forgotten how to get there. I must be truthful on our journey together because some of the stories you are embracing, the ones blocking your path, are not entirely true.
Please notice, as I say, the truth and not your truth. I have witnessed many people struggle with what they thought was true, only to find peace when they saw the whole truth. The two versions look similar initially, and pain can often block the broader perspective. So as your Guide, it helps if I possess a good measure of confidence, wisdom, and certainly compassion. It ensures a safe space for you to embrace the whole truth.
As both the gateway and Guide into your evolving truth, I help you find certainty, and in certainty, answers. This knowing guides you to experience the peace and greater understanding we spoke of earlier.
I have regularly journeyed into what many see as realms of uncertainty throughout my life. Mainly for others, however, for me as well. These places exist in our doubts and how we feel about ourselves. You and I will explore these areas because we seek clarity and clear paths. After all, life is about embracing our unstoppable selves—by living life fully, guided by truth.
Before starting 40Days, Heidi, a woman with degrees in Psychology and Spiritual Psychology, asked, “what do you call yourself?” I can tell you, as I told her, the only title that seems to fit is “Guide.” Upon completing 40Days, I asked her how she would describe me?” She laughed at the question. “You are a mixture of so many titles, though I am unsure which to call you.” A week or so later, she emailed me to say how she explained me to someone else by saying, “Have you ever played pin the tail on the donkey? Mark takes off the blindfold.”
Hilary, another Psychologist who also completed 40Days, answered the same question: “as a very efficient tracker within the human mind, finding the source of any discomfort, revealing it, then dismantling it. Then building out the healed outcome. All done kindly.” Thank you, Heidi. Thank you, Hilary. I hope these descriptions help you to understand what I do.
The most powerful tool in your toolbox is to be inspired. To see where personal change is possible. Being motivated will light your path and help you embrace the possibility by seeing through uncertainty. As you walk through it, something changes inside you. Have you ever heard someone speak of a profound experience? They talk less about the past story and more about the transformation. In them, you witness the confidence in their eyes and hear lightness in their voice. As your Guide, I would like you to be that person.
I know what it is like to be raw and vulnerable. To feel exposed when confronting personal truths. Once you know where you are going, what you are capable of, and where you’d like to be, it’s just a case of walking towards it. Then we leave the past in the past, and we live our lives moving forward.
An excellent Guide knows this about you and believes in you.
I am that Guide.
I believe we live in extraordinary times.