a life gallery.
The images on this website express my love of Ceremony and Life. All pictures, art and sand drawings here and throughout the website are my creations and represent how I see the world. Of course, those pictures that include me are from others, and I honour and credit those incredible photographers at the bottom of the page. Naturally, actual “in ceremony” photos are respectfully not permitted unless I have been given expressed permission, and at the time if it felt appropriate.
I honour and offer Gratitude to my many gifted friends with cameras. In alphabetic order; Atmoji (dolphin pictures), Cristina Remond (sunburst), Debbie Danbrook (light circle), Jeremy Sills (candle sound ceremony), Judith Onley (three horses), Lesley Cochran-Hulcoop,(Fire Ceremony), Lisa Virtue (many pics), Mike Swarbrick (prayer in water pics), Paula Norman (beach bowl), Peter Boxem, (Mandalas, BW me BBcap, standing playing bowls), Sandy Segel (Mandala fire), Stephen Thorne (all other horse pics and black bacground profile pic), Tusha Makavita (lisa and I in large sand mandala homepage) .