2020, The Year Of Seeing Clearly
(Mar. 8, 2020)
We, humans, consider ourselves the most intelligent animals on earth. Our competitive nature also encourages us to compare ourselves with earth-bound beings to see how smart we are. As such, we now regard Dolphins as the next smartest. Considering how much we pat ourselves on the back and applaud the Dolphins, we humans have yet to be able to talk freely to and completely understand dolphins, even though we both have well-established languages. True, we are getting better. Yet, it’s taken us thousands of years to get as far as we have. This seems reasonable considering how difficult it is for humans to talk with other humans of different backgrounds.
So, with that thought gently resting in our frontal lobes, I must confess, what I am about to suggest is a bit of a stretch. You may have read that Nasa has been listening to our planet. There is a phenomenon called Chorus in which lightning strikes create very low-frequency radio waves that interact with the solar winds. Someone, Nasa, I believe, has dubbed this “singing.”
Here’s the stretch, it’s the idea that our home, earth, is singing to the rest of our galaxy. If our voices are wind channelled through a tube over vocal chords then shaped into sound, then couldn’t the solar wind be augmented by the osculating sounds of Chorus? I agree this seems a little far-fetched.
I like the idea, though. As we know, many animals communicate in a wide range of ways, even if it’s only a kind of warning. Have you ever watched squid communicate with another squid through light patterns on their bodies? Is the sound the earth is emitting out into the galaxy any different? Is “As above, so Below” appropriate here?
As you may know, I am often exploring the deeper meaning of astrology and relish in how it shares insights with Astronomy and vice versa. With a great deal of regularity, I also notice how often humans anthropomorphize the heavens to meet their needs. We astrologers are regularly tarred with that brush. In so doing, I have come to appreciate that the galaxy is a ginormous expression of energy with some predictable periods. Yet, even so, I am unable to predict the future with any certainty. Each celestial body in the universe influences another’s gravitational orbit and regularly alters what seems like, to us, should be an obvious and expected outcome. The only constant, as the old saying goes, is change. There is just no way to say for sure. We can, however, look into the heavens to create tidal charts that predict with some certainty where the best place is to stand on any beach, anywhere in the world, on any given day. Still, who am I to say that earth is or is not singing to the galaxy?
Maybe this next musing was born in an active mind fueled by a cup of coffee. I sincerely hope that if our earth is sending a galactic message, let us hope it’s not saying, “Attention all planets, I have developed a severe case of humans and it’s starting to spread to other members of our solar family, be forewarned.” I put down my cup and chuckle to myself and consider the latest media reports. Part of me feels this seems reasonable. Yet, I digress.
Am I blurring our understanding of our world’s “science” with my understanding of energy? Am I not anthropomorphizing our planet by suggesting it has a consciousness and is singing? Who am I to say what is real, or is just a creation of an overactive mind? This point is, and I apologize for the long journey. This is the year 2020, the year of seeing life clearly. I believe this suggests to each of us that everything is fresh and new.
What we once believed as a verifiable truth can be understood on broader and more profound levels. Remember how the universe once revolved around the earth? Each of us, you and I, are called to clear away antiquated realities and embrace a higher order of understanding. Is it exciting? Yes. Yet it also suggests that passionate conversations will ensue. It encourages us to remember that as we collectively accelerate our understanding of our known world and our relationship with the universe, we can do so with compassion for another’s view or perception. Who knows, they may be right? It’s important to talk about it, find common understandings.
As for Nasa’s humorous suggestion that the earth is really is singing? It may be true or not. Though if she is, wouldn’t you love to know what she is saying about us?
Earth singing: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/11073